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How to prepare for the first day at school?

Starting school is a big event for children and their parents. Children often feel a mixture of excitement and fear, while parents worry about whether their child will be ready for this new challenge. In this blog, we will give you some tips on how to prepare for the first day of school and make this day as pleasant as possible for your child.

1. Prepare the child's mind

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the child's mind for going to school. Talk to your child about what to expect at school, show him the school and the classrooms, explain the schedule and what will happen during the day. Try to motivate him to study and work at school, and give him a sense of security and support.

2. Prepare the child's things

With the help of the child, prepare his things for the first day of school. This includes a school bag, stationery, notebook, heavy books and other materials he will need during the day. Before leaving for school, make sure all things are ready and packed.

3. Help the child to establish a routine

Establishing a routine before the first day of school can help your child get used to the new environment. Try to establish a schedule with your child for waking up, having breakfast, getting dressed, studying and sleeping. This will help him prepare for the school rhythm and adapt more easily to the new schedule.

4. Involve the child in the preparations

Involve your child in preparations for the first day of school. Let him choose what to wear and what to take with him to school. This will help him feel included and confident.

5. Prepare on time

It is important that you prepare yourself in time for the first day at school. Check the date and time when school starts, and make sure you have enough time for all the necessary preparations. Make sure your child gets enough sleep and is well rested before the first day of school.

By following these tips, your child will be ready for school and feel more comfortable during the first day.

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