Kako se nositi s bullyingom u školi?

How to deal with bullying at school?

How to deal with bullying at school: tips for fighting peer violence.

Peer violence is a serious problem in schools around the world, including in Croatia. Children and young people are often the target of violence and abuse by their peers at school, which can lead to serious consequences for their mental and physical health. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with bullying at school, and how to fight against peer violence.

Here are some tips that could help you fight bullying at school:

  • Talk about it

If someone is abusing or harassing you, it is important to share it with someone. You can talk to your parents, teachers, or other adults you trust. They will help you deal with the problem and ensure that the behavior does not repeat itself.

  • Do not return abuse
While it may seem tempting to get back at the bully, that's the worst thing you can do. This will only make the situation worse and encourage the abuser to continue his behavior. Instead, stay calm and avoid violence.

  • Be sure of yourself
Bullies choose victims who are weaker than them. Therefore, try to be more confident and self-reliant. Show the bully that he cannot harm you, that he will not be able to break your will.

  • Be an integral part of the group
Bullies often prey on individuals who are isolated. Therefore, try to be part of a group of people with whom you feel safe. This will give you support and help you feel less exposed.

  • Report violence
If something happens, report it to the teachers or school principal. The school has a responsibility to protect its students from violence and abuse, and should take measures to ensure that this does not happen again.

In short, bullying at school can be a very painful and difficult experience for children and young people. However, there are ways you can deal with it and fight bullying. Talk about it, be confident, be part of a group, don't retaliate and report violence when it happens.

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